Cindy Cavanagh

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We say these words, we hear these words, and we read these words probably more than we care to admit. It usually bubbles up when we are feeling frustrated in our craft, unsure of our next step. We want something else in our art, but we aren't sure how to get there. We look around, search online, and feel like our ideas are old news.
So, if everything's been done before isn't that a good thing? Doesn't it give us permission to craft rather than worrying about being original? We can put words like unique or original or one of a kind on the shelf, and just make stuff. We can play, be child-like, and relax by leaning into making for the sake of it. Isn't this the freedom that we desire rather than forcing our way down a path of artificial neon lights and false dreams? There's genuinely no need to be original. Breathe! Sigh! Relax! Can you feel some tension leaving your body?

The reality is these thoughts are stumbling blocks that get in our way. They are fear trying to drive the bus, and the negative chatter that sits telling us we're not good enough; go and take a seat. It's our beautiful mind trying to keep us safe when no real lions and tigers are chasing us. Our craft is our happy place, and it can heal us. Rather than let fear trick us, we can see it as a stumbling block and climb over it.
The flip side of "Everything's Been Done Before" is the idea of what we bring to our craft; our story, our eye, our vision. They all add layers and context. You can ask 10 photographers to capture the same thing, and they will all look different. It's not the thought of originality that should drive us but our story. It's sheer brilliance to turn our ordinary into a tale with depth and layers. We shouldn't forget the magic we make every time we press the shutter button.
So, yes! Everthing's been done before! Thank gosh! Now we can play rather than trying to be original. We can thank fear for her protection, but we've got this. We can share our story, the beauty we see, and our joy. It's enough on an ordinary day!

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