Cindy Cavanagh

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Hills District Photographer/Colour of Summer

“Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.” Kahlil Gibran

I will always remember this summer as the summer of colour. I have opened my eyes to the beauty of colour and seeing colour in my every day. I have always felt a strong pull to bold colours that jump out at you but now this pull is much stronger. I reignited my love affair with colour and I feel like I understand it better. I understand the importance of colour in my art and in the stories I love to tell.

I just completed Roxanne Bryant's workshop. I have been wanting to do this course since she announced it. I knew she would rock my colour world and I wasn't disappointed.  Her love of colour shines in her art and I am beyond grateful she also has the skill to share it. She is patient and kind with her knowledge.

After I did her workshop, I went through my catalogue. I went through every image and tagged it according to it is colour. I felt like I needed to bring order to my images and filing them by colour was the calm that I needed. As I ploughed my way through, I felt my inspiration grow. I love colour and I always have. I think I got a little sidetracked with presets and the latest look of muted tones. I always felt like I was putting strawberry icing on a chocolate cake. Delicious but it never fit quite right. Now, I have the right tools and I am playing with a new sense of wonder. I am learning again and it is so much fun.

The is a big post as I missed last month due to a funeral and a birthday, so I am playing catch up. Please enjoy our summer of colour and then pop on over to see what mattered to Justine of Justine Curran Photography this month.