Moments that matter: May

Walking to a new park at sunset is a moment that matters. A simple pleasure that we think nothing of but as my daughters approach adolescence like a runaway horse, I am holding onto these moments of childhood with tight fists. There is a change happening and I feel it in my heart. I hold on tight with clenched fists but I know I need to let go. I know I need to be fluid and embrace this new. I have been here before. It is not a new experience for me but it is new for my daughters. They have been the "little kids" in our house, and they always will be. Yet, they are not little. They are growing and changing. We need to change with them. But this day, a day that ended with a beautiful sunset, I relished their childhood. I observed their laughter, their silliness, and their sisterhood. I felt the sun wraps its arms around me and hug tight. I felt myself let go of fear. I felt myself breathe again. A new day dawns tomorrow, I am ready to be the Mum they need me to be.

Now follow the link to see what moments matter to Marlene of Forever Young Photography. She is a beautiful lifestyle photographer in Melbourne.

Cindy Cavanagh