Sydney motherhood photographer
Mothering is an act of slowness,
a fabric that's woven daily,
of equal parts calm and chaos,
it's the repetition of flow,
and the little rituals that move mountains.
A gift not to be rushed,
of babies in arms,
toddlers on hips,
tweens holding your hand,
teenagers you now look up to,
a hand softly touching,
a heart gently beating,
an early morning snuggle before the day starts,
a coffee held with two hands,
and toast without crusts,
a sink filled with dishes,
clothes to collect,
sheets on the line,
catching warmth and sunshine,
It's conversations in the car,
late nights with your eyes closed while you lay awake,
It's belly laughter and big tears.
It's pride and complete frustration,
It's more than you imagined and harder than you dreamed,
it's a beautiful mess.
Wandering through the quiet,
breathing it all in,
the house waits for their arrival
as the day ends.
Dinner at the table,
my whole world with me,
stories to tell,
tales to share,
as the long shadows dance on the walls,
tired eyes and full hearts,
there's magic in the ordinary,
a day lived, a life loved.