#mymotherhoodstory: sisterhood

My two youngest daughters are four years apart in age. They have a relationship that is sister, best friend, and sharer of a bunk bed all rolled into one. They are similar tastes, so clothes, toys, friends and activities are all shared. They fall under the title of the "the little kids" but we have reached a point where the eldest is ready to join "the big kids". She starts high school next year and is connecting more with her older sister ( which is a wonderful positive). There has been frustration as we go through this stage. They have been arguing and fighting more. It has been difficult to negotiate. I know we will feel it more next year when she is in high school and allowed more freedom. I know our youngest will catch up but for now there is a difference.

As their mother, I want their relationship to stay the same. As a free thinking adult, I know their relationship needs to change for it to grow. I know they need to separately grow and explore the world to blossom. I know their relationship is built on a solid rock. I know they will always have each other. They may not always see eye to eye but they will always have one another. Still, I felt the need to tell their story as it is today. We don't know what it will look like tomorrow, but for today this is the beauty that I see in our everyday.