Sydney Lifestyle Photographer/moments that matter October

With a house filled with teenagers and a tween, I'm finding it harder to capture our story. They have been so patient with me but bribing them with chocolate, or ice cream, or extra screen time no longer works. I felt it this month. I felt a real sadness that it might be becoming to an end. I shed some big fat woe is me tears. I had a pity party for one and didn't pick up my camera.

Then I saw a screen show on one of their computers. They had collected their favourite photos, and when I commented, she said, "Oh, I raided your photo albums" And I smiled again. I pick-up the camera and keep shooting. They may not always appreciate it at the moment but they will one day. I am shooting for that one day.

Pop on over to see what is capturing Fran's heart this month and see her moments that matter here.

sydney lifestyle photographer/ cindy cavanagh
sydney lifestyle photography/ cindy cavanagh
Cindy Cavanagh6 Comments