Sydney Lifestyle photography {Into Something Better October}

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Sleeping In The Forest by Mary Oliver

I thought the earth remembered me,

She took me back so tenderly

Arranging her skirts

Her pockets full of lichens and seeds.

I slept as never before

A stone on the riverbed,

Nothing between me and the white fire of the stars,

But my thoughts.

And they floated light as moths

Among the branches of the perfect trees.

All night I heard the small kingdoms

Breathing around me.

The insects and the birds

Who do their work in darkness.

All night I rose and fell,

As if water, grappling with luminous doom.

By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times

Into something better.

We as a group of artist mothers from all over the world are making it our priority to turn off the tv/video games so that we can give our children the sacred experience to connect with the fast disappearing natural world. We will freelens our adventures into the wild and share them through this monthly project.  The goal of this collaborative is to journey “Into Something Better”

I recently saw an image that was titled "A girl in an Italian piazza". It made me smile and feel a little jealous as my dream is to travel to Italy and walk around the piazzas. I can easily imagine talking a similar photo with my girls. It made me think about where I live and how many people have a similar dream to travel to Sydney; exploring as much as possible of Australia in two short weeks. I know at the top of the list is Bondi as it is a gorgeous beach close to the city and you could easily do a similar portrait series titled: "A girl at Bondi Beach".

We don't visit Bondi very often ( too many tourists...LOL!) but recently we decided to visit the Sunday markets. We arrived too early and decided to have breakfast on the beach. As we walked along the beach, I realised that I had created my version of the photo. I may not be a tourist, but I can still see and enjoy the incredible beauty of Bondi.


Now follow the link to Anna and see her "Into Something better" here

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